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Privacy Guidelines

Luna Rail values your privacy.

The use of our website is generally possible without providing personal data (information that is linked to your person). Insofar as personal data is collected on our sites, this is done in order to provide requested services. By using the site and entering personal data, you consent to the collection and use of data in accordance with this statement. This data will not be passed on to third parties unless this is absolutely necessary for the purpose explained. In this case, we will obtain your consent to the transfer beforehand.

Server Log Files

Our site automatically saves information in server log files, that your browser automatically sends to us. These are: Your browser’s name and its version, your device’s operating system, the (complete) IP-address of your device, the exact time of your request, the URL-address of the requested file or page, the address of the website which pointed to our site, if you clicked on a link (the Referrer URL) and the result of your request (the HTTP Status Code). We save this data in so-called server log-files. For us, just this information is insufficient to identify a person. Only if you submit a form containing personal data (see below), we may associate your IP-address with you (e.g. to pursue illegal usage of our site). We refrain from aggregating this data with other data sources.

We need his data to be able to analyze errors and irregular or illegal usage of our site. We assume our interest in safeguarding the functionality of the page justifies to save data which may not be personalized without further action. For this purpose, we save server log files for 180 days. 

Cookie Usage

Our site does not use cookies. Cookies are small text files, that your browser saves on your computer. Cookies don’t harm your computer and don’t contain viruses.

Matomo Web Analytics

Visits to this website are recorded by the Matomo analysis software. Matomo is open source software and is operated and maintained directly on our server by our service providers. The software is configured so that it does not use cookies and processes the usage data in anonymized form. The IP address is reduced to 2 bytes (e.g. The legal basis for the processing of the data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. e) of the GDPR. Nevertheless, we respect further data protection preferences and provide the option of preventing this form of user analysis on our website.

You may choose to prevent this website from aggregating and analyzing the actions you take here. Doing so will protect your privacy, but will also prevent the owner from learning from your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users.

Contact form submissions

We collect some personal data when you contact us through our contact forms. This is your name and your e-mail address, possibly a phone number and the information you chose to submit. This data will be partly transferred by unencrypted e-mail, which means it could technically be read by anyone. Don’t submit confidential information through our contact form. We save contact form submissions for approximately 180 days and delete them at least after two years. 

Business related form submissions

Some of our contact forms (e.g. event participation, news subscription, potential investor forms) will additionally save personal data in a contact database which we use for sending bulk mails and marketing automation, according to the permissions we collect when using these forms. For this service we use Brevo. For using their service your data is transferred to their servers.

Use the general contact form if you don’t want your personal data to be transferred to our contact database with Brevo. We save business related form submissions for as long as you permit to use the date. If we did not ask for a permission, we save business related contact form submissions for two years and delete them at least after four years. 

Job applications

Unlike Business related form submissions we treat job applications like contact form submissions. We save (unsuccessful) application data submissions for approximately 180 days and delete them at least after one year. 


please contact us by using our e-mail for any inquiry concerning your data.